SBC activated my new and improved DSL this past Monday on schedule. I have seen sustained downloads of 6mbps. Of course not everything is lightning fast, many web sites are still running on T1’s which are limited to 1.54mbps. But for sites on fatter pipes, or downloads from akamai-based servers or the like, things are quite zippy and I’m a happy camper.
Monthly Archives: February 2004
SBC increases download speed to 3Mbps and possibly to 6Mbps
I upgraded my DSL package today to the new SBC Expert Plus plan. While the website touts 1.5Mbps to 3Mbps, the operator said it may be as fast as 6Mbps. Wow! We are almost to 10BaseT! All for $45/mo. which is $10 less than I am paying now. Sweet. Of course this was prodded by Comcast’s boost of their Cable Internet Service to 3Mbps down.
I continue to use my old modem with no loss of service (there better not be!). Activation date is Feb. 23rd. We’ll see …