Daily Archives: 10.May.03

Back in the saddle again …

The first nice Saturday in months (literally), so I decided it was time to get back on the bike. After the Seattle to Portland ride last July and subsequent smaller rides last summer, the winter and early spring proved too cold and too wet for my taste. But today the sun came out and off I went.

Equipped with two water bottles of Extran-enhanced water, and a bicycle map of Marin, I navigated the back roads from Fairfax to Sausalito. Aside from the hill between Corte Madera and Mill Valley, the ride was great. And after a few more rides that hill won’t be a problem either.

30 miles roundtrip. Installed my new Specialized wireless speedometer before the ride and it worked splendidly. Arriving home to beer and margaritas didn’t suck either. 🙂

Fixing the high-cost of cable TV

My post yesterday reminded me of another conversation I had with Comcast soon after they acquired my business through their acquisition of AT&T. Their first action was to raise rates about $4.00 for my plan, Digital Silver. Rate increases have not been limited to my service area. Comcast has been raising rates all over the country, citing increasing programming costs by networks such as ESPN.

I don’t believe any of it. Comcast’s earnings were higher than ever last year, in no small part by charging me outrageous prices for channel packages that consist of at least 50% of channels I don’t want. I don’t need 5 home-shopping channels (I don’t need any), except for World Cup years I don’t need any Spanish-language channels, etc. What I do want is local channels, certain Discovery channels, BBC, and HBO. I don’t care about having 100 channels, especially when it takes 6 seconds to change the channel. So here is my proposal.

First, Comcast and Cox and other cable systems, you need to call ESPN’s bluff not to run on your systems at all if they aren’t included with ‘basic cable’ packages. Where else are they going to go? It’s not like there is any cable competition, you’ve already seen to that. If ESPN bails, you may lose some customers to satellite, but ESPN’s losses will be greater and they will be back within a year on their hands and knees begging to be back on your respective cable systems. Second, let me, the customer, choose exactly the channels I want. I know the technology exists for this. Forget about your packages and pre-selected channel groupings. Let me choose exactly which channels I want for $1 each per month. This includes HBO, Showtime, whatever. Obviously not PPV. My channel choices will be about 35 (I’ve already counted) and I will be a happy customer.

And while I’m at it, get rid of the ads on the TV Guide channel description overlay. I am paying you, remember?

Oh yeah, get off your butts and roll-out HDTV in all markets.