The U.S. Army has dumped Microsoft Windows in favor of Linux for their new ‘Land Warrior’ high-tech soldier ensemble.
“The Land Warrior was designed to provide communications and networking capabilities to dismounted soldiers that so far only have been available to mounted forces. The idea is for members of a platoon to be able to pass around battlefield procedural messages, graphics, alerts and other pieces of information that currently are communicated by hand signals and voice.”
“The LW SI will have a single processor. The previous LW had a dual processor, which frequently malfunctioned. Other changes include a more simplified data bus and a Linux-based operating system, as opposed to Windows. “Evidence shows that Linux is more stable. We are moving in general to where the Army is going, to Linux-based OS,” said [Army Lt. Col. Dave Gallop].”
I guess the Army doesn’t want to deal with “Download Critical Updates” messages in their HUD when involved in a firefight.
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