Oh, you mean USB 2.0?

Naturally I found this bit of news distressing. Basically, some computer manufacturers/retailers were finding it difficult to sell off their remaining USB 1.1 hardware. So last december the USB Forum announced “that henceforth USB 1.1 would be called USB 2 and USB 2 would continue to be called USB 2.”

Yes, you read that right. To further confuse things, the slower speed would be dubbed USB 2.0 “Full-Speed,” while the real USB 2.0 specification would be called USB 2.0 “Hi-Speed.” Un-frigging-believable. Really. Some would call this misleading, others, including myself, call it downright wrong. Some areas in life are a little grey, but this is just plain wrong. And furthermore, we are just now hearing about it, and not even from the American press. Un-frigging-believable.

Sony and Toshiba have both sold USB 1.1 laptops under the new USB 2.0 moniker. So if you bought a USB 2.0 machine lately and your speed doesn’t seem any faster than your old machine, thats why.

Wrong. Just wrong.